When you are traveling around the country doing your Big Lap it can be quite expensive but if you can find ways to save money staying...
After 6 years travelling around Australia we have found from our experience, if you don’t do certain things on your big lap, your trip will go...
If you are looking to roadtrip Australia, you will want to find ways to stay awake when driving on long trips. It’s been 6 years now...
What a magnificent country this is that we get to call home. Wow….!! We feel so absolutely blessed that we were privileged to have been born...
There’s an enormous Impact on the Forgotten Travelers around Australia. At any one time it is estimated there are normally between 100,000 to 120,000 people traveling...
Doing the Big Lap of Australia means a lot of hours driving our Highways. It’s a huge country and there can be long distances from one...
Over the last 4 years we have shared a lot about ourselves, our life before and since Indefinite Leave has been created. To those we have...